How to calculate Takt Time?

Takt time

How to calculate Takt Time? Takt time is a reference number that is used to match the rate of production in a manufacturing process to the rate of sales. It is used to help synchronize pace of production with the pace of sales.  ‘Takt’ is a German word for a pace or beat. In other terms, […]

Five Golden Rules in Gemba

Five Golden Rules in Gemba his is our First article based on the Book “Gemba Kaizen by Masaaki Imai”  Gemba means the actual place where the work is done. For a manufacturing firm the Gemba is the shop floor, for a hospital the Gemba is the Treatment wards, reception and Operation theatre and for a Cinema theatre […]

Difference between Batch Processing and Single Piece Flow

Continuous flow

Batch processing Vs. Single Piece Flow In this article, we are explaining the difference between traditional batch processing and Single piece flow. This understanding is critical for the successful implementation of Single piece flow which is the foundation of Lean Philosophy. Traditional Batch processing In traditional batch processing, every operation of the products are done […]